I've been commissione by Knøx, a canadian bank focused on digital assets (i.e. bitcoins), to create the imagery for their website.
Digital asset market is a quite unregulated market and for many potential clients it has a dangerous and over risky allure.
Knøx goal is to create order from this existing chaos and to stand as authority in this quite new and continuosly expanding field.
Knøx goal is to create order from this existing chaos and to stand as authority in this quite new and continuosly expanding field.
In short: what Fort Knox is for gold, Knøx aims to be for digital assets.
For this reason every illustration had to convey concepts as order, cleaness and
For this reason every illustration had to convey concepts as order, cleaness and
Art Direction: Casey Harmon
Content: Jakub Stachurski
Development: Nadim Islam & Meko Deng
Home Page
About us
Who we serve
Some sketches
Thank you